Project Aims & Objectives

The aim of this project is:

(1) to develop a universal individual-based model for the simulation of vegetation dynamics within grasslands using "Next Generation of Biodiversity Modeling" concpepts outlined in previous sections and graphically summarized in Figure 13.
(2) to explore the possibilities to construct herbaceous species from plant trati databases via construction of a template species (False Oat-grass, Arrhenatherum elatius).

Fig. 13: Next Generation of Biodiversity Modeling 

The objectives of this project are:

(1) to design and implement a universal individual-based model and visualize it in 3d with the ABM platform MASON.
(2) to provide the model with a functional-structural basis.
(3) to allow for the simulation of nutrient load, management intensificaiton and major climate change factor effects on grasslands in the model.
(4) to implement a general formulation for resources carbon/nitrogen partitioning and apply it to the tempate species (nutrient load simulation).
(5) to implement a general formulation for branching with the help of meristem classes and apply it to the template species (structural basis, mangement intensifcation simulation).
(6) to apply the general method of multivariate allometry and serial biological reasoning to the template species and derive its nitrogen-dependent structure from trait minima/maxima (structural basis, nutrient load simulation).
(7) to allow the clonal growth organs of the template species to sotre and reallocate carbon (management intensification).
(8) to parametizre the univeral negative quarter power law for the template species from trait information and the constructed minimum/maximum plant (functionl basis).
(9) to implement a Farquhar & v. Caemmerer photosynthesis model, a Ball, Woodrow & Berry stomata model, an energy exhcange model, a maintenance respiration model and a general ageing/senescence model at the organ level (functional basis, nutrient load simulation, climate change factor simulation).
(10) to implement a general formulation for the canopy radiation interception and the turbulent transfer of scalars, such as sensible heat, latent heat and CO2, between the canopy and the atmosphere (climate change factor simulation).


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Copyright © Jan. 2010 Dr. U. Grueters

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