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The Species Construction Manual

(Draft version. Further description of the graphical contents will follow soon.)

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Picture: Fig. 24: - Preconsiderations to the parametrization


Parametrization of plant structure

Organ parametrization


Leaf parametrization

Picture: Fig. 25: - Organ parametrization I


Stem and internode paramerization

Picture: Fig. 26: - Organ parametrization II


Flower parametrization


Clonal growth organ parametrization


Roots parametrization

Table 4: Key structural root parameters

Root attribute scale Root attribute Functioning Present in species-specificrait databases
Rooting system Root:shoot ratio, based on dry mass [g/g] Balancing above-/belowground resources acquisition No
Rooting system Total root dry mass [g] Total investment of assimilates in belowground resources acquisition No
Rooting system Total root length [m] Potential for nutrient or water absorption from soil.Reference for root associated microbial functioning. No
Rooting system Rooting depth [m] Estimation of soil resources available for exploitation Yes
Rooting system Root system diameter [m] Estimation of soil resources available for exploitation No
Rooting system Rooting volume [m³] Estimation of soil resources available for exploitation No
Rooting system Root length density [cm/cm³] Assessment of soil exploitation limitation No
Individual root Root diameter [mm] Enables computation of root surface area No
Individual root Root surface area [cm²] Determines uptake capacity for water or nutrients No
Individual root Root dry weight : fresh weight ratio [g/g] Enables computation of root tissue density No
Individual root Root tissue density, dry mass/ volume [g/cm³] Correlates with root longevity No
Individual root Specific root length, SRL [m/g] No

Method for species-specific root traits retrieval

Picture: Fig. 27: - Organ parametrization III


Parametrization of partitioning


Parametrization of ramet growth

Picture: Fig. 28: - Parametrization of growth and partitioning


Parametrization of branching

Picture: Fig. 29: - Parametrization of branching


Parametrization of plant function

Parametrization of organ function


Mass- and energy exchange parametrization


Leaf parametrization


Internode parametrization


Root and CGO parametrization


Parametrization of organ aging


Parametrization of C-/N-storage

Table 5: TNC-concentration in clonal growth organs

Species TNC (%) average TMC (%) CGO type
Bromus erectus about 35-40 37.5 9
Calamagrosits epigejos about 40-50 45.0 9, 10
Phragmites australis 30-53 36.5 10 (most)
Phalaris arundinacea 41 41.0 10 (most)
Calamagrostis canadensis up to 19 ?
Calamagrosits villosa 33-51 42.0 9, 10
Carex lacustris 16-45 30.5 ?
Average of rhizomatous group 38.5
Molinia arundinacea about 50-60 55.0 10, specialized for storage
Rumex alpinus 50-64 57.0 9, specialized for storage
Polygonum bistortoides 60 60.0 9 (P. bistorta), specialized for storage
Scirpus maritimus 50-55 52.5 ?, specialized for storage
Poa flabellata up to 73 ?, specialized for storage
Average of group specialized for storage 56.1

from Klimeš & Klimešová (2002): TNC = total non-sturctural carbohydrates; CGO = clonal growth organ; TNC (%) = TNC in % of dry mass; CGO-type according to CLOPLA: 9 = hypogeogenous stem , rhizome; 10 = epigeogenous stem, rhizome

Picture: Fig. 30: - Parametrization of organ functions


Outline: Closing the plant life cycle

Picture: Fig. 31: Germination probability vs. temperature -


Scaling up from the organ to the canopy level

Atmospheric environment at reference height


Atmospheric environment above the canopy


Atmospheric environment within the canopy

Radiation interception model


Turbulent tranfer model

Picture: Fig. 32: - Atmospheric environment employed in UIBM


Picture: Fig. 33: - Summary


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Copyright © Apr. 2010 Dr. U. Grueters